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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Refashioned - muumuu/bubu

so, the last in the series of my refashioned clothes. 

My mother had this bubu/muumuu made for me in my teens, but the style is too "old lady", awkward, unflattering and I never got to wear it. So struck with a bit of inspiration, I decided to update it. It was very important that it retained that African feel with the detailing at the neck being the focal point. Any changes would have to be built around the neckline. Anyhoos, here are my results.

bubu.muumuu refashion
dirty mirror - eek! 

bubu.muumuu close
neckline detail.

How I wore it,
muumuu refashion after

muumuu shoes
dress - refashioned muumuu
cardigan - ebay, but originally george at asda
tights - pretty poll @ boots.
shoes - charity shop, but originally from primark. 
belt - came with a skirt. 

I have to say I really enjoyed doing this. It is such a good feeling to see the clothes I cut up come together as something nice and wearable. It really got me thinking about finding beauty in the "ugliest" things.  and from a financial stand point, I was able to add a few new pieces to my wardrobe for next to nothing.  I'm looking forward to rummaging around charity shops to see what I can find and play around with. 

till then.