Before picture of the right side taken in april 2011. After picture taken on September 2011 .

Before picture of the left side taken in June 2011. After picture taken on September 2011 .
6 months of trial and error. The things I believed worked for me are - Retin - A 0.1%, Duac (NOT used at the same time as retin-A), Mandelic acid toner, DHC face brush and weekly deep face scrub with Lush's lip scrub. Everything else has been a diversion, given me more spots or window dressing.
My routine for the past week. I'm trying to incorporate Lush products into my routine.
Dark Angels cleanser
Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar Toner (I spilled my *Mandelic acid toner -aaargh)
Good things Mattifying Moisturiser (*La Roche-Posay Effaclar M Moisturiser)
Boots Botanics Pore Perfecting Deep Clean Mousse
Lush Brazened Honey (every 2 or 3 days)
Retin - A
Jojoba oil, Castor oil, Lemon oil mix (I'm not sure if this does anything, but I use it when it doesn't feel like a "Retin-A day")
Boots botanics intensive moisture mask
Vitamin E oil - smothered on and taken off with hot water and a cloth.
Lush Lip Scrub as a face scrub - don't feel the need to use this as much since I started using Dark Angels
I'm sure it looks like I'm using a lot, but it is really just a 3 step system - cleanse, tone, moisturise. If you are about to embark on your own skin care journey you need to have at least those 3 things down.
*I'll be switching to these products once I purchase them after payday. I also need to replace my DHC facebrush.