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I've always been aware of Rupaul as a drag artist, but not as a musician. Like many other people I watched the first season of Rupaul's drag race and I know her song 'Covergirl' was featured, but I thought it was a one off thing. During the second season, her songs were featured heavily and at this time I had become and even bigger fan so, I just had to have the album.
Champion is a positive empowering party album, it reminds me of early Cobra Starship albums (While The City Sleeps, We Rule The Streets). Rupaul is a shrewd business woman who knows her audience and plays up to them. It's not hard to picture 'Jealous of my Boogie' and 'Covergirl (put the bass in your walk)' playing loudly in a gay bar on a friday night. That is not to say the album don't have cross over appeal. With the exception of 'Tranny Chaser' and 'Lady boy' the tracks never out rightly address Rupaul's sexuality or that of it's primary audience.
Fans of Rupaul's drag race will be familiar with the songs and some diehard fans will already have their favourites.
My favourite song is 'Main Event', it is also a great opening track, it really sweeps you away with it.
Main Event
If you are in need of an ego boost then the title track 'Champion' is the one for you. It's my least favourite song in the album, but I'm not sure why.
On 'Never Go Home Again', a track about people leaving abusive homes and terrible situations, Rupaul unexpectedly expresses some depth behind the party beats.
I had no expectation of Champion when I got it, so I was pleasantly surprised when I listened.
I think Champion is a great album and one I see myself and my female friends singing along to as we get drunk and dressed to go out.
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