Eli Stone: image source: google images
Once the season opened with Jon Brion's 'Knock Yourself Out', I knew I was going to love this tv show. The short lived series is about a lawyer Eli Stone (played by Johnny Lee Miller ) who has a brain aneurysm which gives him visions of the future. Like Scrubs, music plays a big role in this Tv series. The entire first season was named after songs by George Michael and the episodes occasionally have a musical number.
They even got George Michael to appear in one of the episodes;
Moments like that when he is caught having one of his singing/dancing hallucinations in public made me cringe. Also like 'Scrubs' the music adds to the story, although it does so to a larger extent on Eli Stone. The song in the music numbers often contain a clue or some advice for Eli.
Some lovely person on youtube created a montage of the musical numbers;
I guess it was like an adult version of Glee.
After watching the first season I went on a quest to download all the songs featured. And I was glad I did, it led me to discover Mando Diao - an amazing Swedish band. I would like to believe that if the show went on for longer they would have released an official soundtrack, but unfortunately that didn't happen. It was cancelled before the end of the second season.
My favourite discoveries;
I tend to write these things in no particular order, but this is number one without a shadow of doubt. The rest are in no particular order (LOL).
Sunday Afternoon from Remyyy on Vimeo.
Writing about this series makes me want to watch it all over again, I might have to buy the DVDs.
More on songs from Eli Stone: http://heardontv.com/tvshow/Eli+Stone/Season+1
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