I've put off writing this review for so long, I don't even know where to begin!
I've come to appreciate mattifying face creams since I switched to the Aveno face cream with SPF. I probably should have done more research and tried to find something that ticked all the boxes - mattify, sun protection, doesn't clog pores. I guess, there a face cream change in my future, but not for a few months. I want to finish the stash I have.
The consistency of the Effaclar M Sebo-Regulating Matifying Moisturizer isn't as creamy as favourite - Good Things Miracle Mattifier Moisturiser (that is a mouthful). And in all honesty, La Roche Posay makes some big claims, but gun to my head I will take the Good Things Miracle Mattifier over it.
According to the blurb on their website the Sebo-Regulating Matifying Moisturizer will....
Day after day, can slow the production of sebum thanks to the exclusive combination of: - Sebum Targeting technology™ to target and unclog pores blocked by sebum, - Zinc Pidolate to neutralise shine at the source, - vitamins CG and E to prevent sebum oxidation, which aggravates oily skin problems. Oil-free texture enriched in absorbent microspheres for matt skin that lasts.Honestly, I didn't really notice all that. My skin was matte, but I didn't see any of the other changes they promised. Maybe I didn't use it long enough. I didn't get to the end of the bottle.
Another issue I have which I only discovered jsut yesterday is La Roche Posay is under the L'oreal umbrella. I don't use anything by L'oreal or it's sister companies for personal reasons. So, I'm afraid this is the end of the La Roche Posay journey for me. No big loss, there are products that offer the same things they promise for much less.
Hope you all had a merry xmas....

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