image source: tv guide
I've been a fan of Ugly Betty since season one, the plot lines keep getting better and better. But, it wasn't till this season that the show really step it's game up in the music department.It prompted me to give V.V Brown a chance and led to me discover Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes. I'm not sure who picks the songs, but they get top marks for the revamp and for not sticking with popular stuff.
I wish I could find clips to illustrate my point but I can't, so I'll just go straight to my favourite clips.
VV Brown
Edward Sharpe
Mocean worker - Move
Guajiros - Enamorados
The New Ponographers - Adventures In Solitude
I was a fan before Ugly Betty, but totally forgot about them. This episode of Ugly Betty made me dig up 'Electric Version'.
Freelance Whales - We Could Be Friends
Melanie Fiona -- Bang Bang
Jasmine Ash - I wished for you
Jeremy Messersmith - Miracles
The London Souls - Stand up
Till next week!
More music from Ugly betty and other shows: http://www.tvshowmusic.com/shows/uglybetty/season04.html
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