I can't believe it has been 4 years since 'Black Parade' was realised. The new album is long over due for a release. I've liked all the songs I've heard from it so far, but I'll have to wait to see if it will surpass 'Black Parade' I had black Parade on repeat for months!
My favourite songs from Black Parade
I Don't Love You
Finally if you like the sound of "Save Yourself Hold Them Back" just follow the link below and head over the the MCR website, enter your email and get a free download. http://www.mychemicalromance.com/splash/
Heard this on "Raising Hope" and immediately fell in love with The Postelles!
They have received amazing reviews from magazines like 'rolling stone'. So, if you are the kind of person who likes to discover bands before they really start to make it big now is your chance.
Because The Postelles are so awesome, they are giving the single "White Night" away for FREE! simply follow enter your email to the box below and the song will be send to you. Or go to their website (http://www.thepostelles.com/) and download it from there.
Some people have heard the Cheryl Cole version of this song, but it was originally written by Ingrid and she decided to record her own version. She said on twitter: "there are some angry people out there so i should clarify...i cowrote Parachute over a year ago and the lovely Cheryl Cole recorded it and in the beginning of this year. i am not trying to top her. her version is great. just doing my own version of my own song. live&love."
This version is more my style, so I'm loving it at the moment.
It is remix... match up...mash up of RJD2′s 'A Beautiful Mine' (the 'Mad Men's' theme song) and 'Nature Boy' by Nat King Cole . The stunning girl in the video is Allison Williams, Brian Williams' daughter. I would love to hear more of her, she is had a stunning voice.
I feel I should explain my slight absence. I started this blog when I desperately needed a creative outlet. I had a job I hated and needed to get out of. Over the past few months, I did just that. My job gives me the outlet I need and this blog is slowly becoming redundant. I don't have time to write the original content that I initially wanted to focus on.
That said, this is not the end of the blog, it just means that I won't update as much. And to my dear readers because according to google analytics I have readers...shocking! I'll carry on updating this blog, but not on a daily basis. I still have stuff I want to post, new music to show you and of course the free music downloads (as long as Kanye's people don't come after me again!).
And while we are on the topic of free music. Fistful of Mercy, the new supergroup started by Dhani Harrison, Ben Herper and Joseph Arthur are giving away a free single. Simply click on the link below and sign up to their mailing list... easy peasy! Their album "As I call you down" was released on the 5th of October so if you like what you hear grab yourself a copy.
Heard this on Law and Order: Los Angeles (lets avoid talking about what a mediocre show it is) and I couldn't get it out of my head. Not only is this my favourite Stevie Wonder song, it is also an amazing cover.
The original for those who haven't heard it also known as "those living under a rock".
It goes without saying, Vocal Slender has this in the bag! Who would have thought a man who lived on a dump this time last year would be nominated for a music award?
Due to the poularity of Whitney's version, a lot of people do not know that the song is originally by Dolly Parton. I prefer Dolly's version because it so much simpler and feels more heartfelt. Whitney has the better voice, but Dolly just sells the song better to me.
This is my anthem! For me it captures that moment in time when you are with a friend or group of friends and you are all having a food time. And it seems like there are no problems in the world. You don't hate your job, your family isn't giving you a headache, you are just enjoying the here and now.
From the outside, it often sounds fun to be in a band. But before picking up that guitar or microphone,
SLRP:The suggested list retail price of a CD is currently $16.98, while the standard wholesale price -- what retail stores pay the label per CD -- is about $10. Once the retailer gets the CD, they can sell it for however much they'd like -- hence "suggested." Artist's royalties are a percentage of the retail price. Superstars can get 20 percent of the SLRP, but most get 12 percent to 14 percent. Packaging charge:25 percent of the SLRP goes back to the record company immediately for what's called a "packaging charge" -- that's the label literally charging the artist for the plastic case in which his or her CD is sold. Free goods:In essence, "free goods" are a roundabout way for labels to discount records so stores will be more inclined to buy them. So rather than sell Best Buy 100,000 records at the regular wholesale price, the label will sell them 100,000 records for the price of 85,000. The artist is then paid for the 85,000 CDs, not the actual 100,000 sold to the retailer. Reserves:Records, especially records by newer artists, are generally sold with the caveat that retailers can return to the label whatever copies they don't sell for a full refund. Thus to ensure they don't lose too much money on artists, record labels will sometimes pay artists for only 65,000 copies out of 100,000 copies, just in case 35,000 (25,000 if you consider the free ones) are returned. If the retailer ends up selling all their copies, the label will then pay the artist the balance owed, which can sometimes take years. Distributor:Music distributors are entities designed to promote and distribute records. The major labels maintain in-house distributors, while most all indie labels use private distribution companies. For smaller bands' records, the distributor can take as much as a 24 percent cut of the SLRP; bigger bands might only be charged 14.2 percent. Songwriter/publisher:If an artist doesn't write his or her own music, someone else has to. And someone who writes a song must first go through a music publisher, whose job it is to place that song with a recording artist who will agree to perform it. If an artist buys the song, the writer and publisher then receive 9.1 cents for every copy of the song sold, a sum they must then split. Personal manager:This manager guides the career of the artist and gets about 15 percent of the artist's gross earnings. Business manager:This manager is the artist's money man, making sure the musician repays his debts and invests his earnings wisely. A business manager charges 5 percent of an artist's gross. Lawyer:While it's not always the case-many charge hourly-some artist's lawyers charge 5 percent. AFTRA and AFM:These are the musicians unions. Singers join AFTRA (the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), while players join AFM (the American Federation of Musicians). If an artist cuts an album, he has to join a union, which will then take $63.90 in base dues plus 0.743 percent of the artist's first $100,000. Record advance:Unlike touring fees, of which the record company can only recoup half, record advances are 100 percent recoupable. That means that if the label fronts an artist $75,000 to pay for whatever he or she needs to record an album--studio time, new instruments, etc. -- the artist then owes the label that initial $75,000, regardless of whether the record is a success or not.