My skin has been behaving lately, last winter was rough as hell, I had acne under pimples under acne under cystic acne. These days I only break out around my period.
As for my hyper pigmentation, I feel like I'm on a diet and unable to shift the last few pounds to get to my goal weight. I'm still using Retin-a as part of my nightly skin care regimen so, I'm hoping I'll see result during my December update.
Finally, I'm changing my moisturiser again, I HATE to do this. I love the two I've settled on - Good Things Stay Clear and La Roche-Posay Effaclar M (review up soon). But, they do not have SPF and I feel that is one thing I've been slacking off with. I'm switching to Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Skin-Brightening Moisturiser, I've used it in the past I loved it and I was sad when it ran out. But, it was quite hard to find in the UK, so I went with something I could easily pick up at the drug store. Now, I've discovered I can get it from boots online, so I'll bulk buy (2-3 bottles), the same time I order my Dark and Lovely body lotion.
La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR Purifying Foaming Gel
Home made toner
La Roche-Posay Effaclar M Moisturiser
Any face wipe I have at hand to take off make up
Dark Angels cleanser
home made face mask (I'm experimenting with this, but will share the recipe)
Retin - A
Queen Helen Mint Julep face mask.
Vitamine E oil (taken off with steam/hot cloth).